Archive | January 2013

Top 5 Hospitals in Singapore

Singapore’s hospitals are generally high in standards.  But many consider these to be the top hospitals.  Mount Elizabeth, Gleneagles and Mount Alvernia are private hospitals while SGH and National University Hospital are government-run public hospitals.

Mount Elizabeth Hospital

Gleneagles Hospital

Mount Alvernia Hospital

Singapore General Hospital

National University Hospital

In terms of size, SGH is the largest hospital in terms of hospital beds as well having the most number of medical specialties in its premises.  It has a long history dating back to the colonial days and is the main medical facility within the city area, completed with its own National Cancer Centre and Eye Centre.   Other specialties include Haematology, Renal Medicine, Nuclear Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Pathology and Plastic Surgery (Burns) which are established as national referral centres. It also boasts a comprehensive range of allied health service including Clinical Dietetics, Medical Social Services, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Speech Therapy.

Of the private hospitals, Mount Elizabeth is the most well known and is often in the news.  It has houses than 1000 medical specialists and surgeons and boasts of the latest medical technologies and equipment.   From multiple organ tranplant to roboti surgery, Mount Elizabeth Hospital has it all covered.  It has dozens of surgeons and more than 40 gynecologists covering everything from IVF, fertility to cyst removal and fibroid surgery.   There are more than 20 ENT medical specialists and numerous medical oncologists.  Generally speaking, it is also easier and faster to get a medical appointment to see a doctor in a private hospital.  Usually all it takes is an email or even a phone call.  This is one of the reasons visitors find it convenient to fly into Singapore for a quick health screening checkup or a short surgical procedure with negligible waiting time.